Strategies for Reaching the Unchurched
This class is designed to share measures churches can take to connect with and minister to individuals who do not currently attend church.
Strategies for Organizing Your Christian Education Department
This class is designed to share a blueprint for structuring and managing educational ministries of your church.
Strategies for Handling Conflict within the Church
This class is designed to share approaches that can help leaders to confront and correct tension in ministry.
Strategies for Addressing Mental Health Needs
This class is designed to share avenues churches can take to deal with mental health crisis in their congregation and community.
Strategies for Empowering Associate Ministers
This class is designed to share pointers for developing and strengthening the roles of associate ministers in supporting the church’s mission and leadership.
Strategies for Navigating Change in the Church
This lesson is designed to share guidance for leaders to propel members to consider altering outdated church practices and traditions.
Strategies for Prioritizing Self Care as a Leader
This lesson is designed to share spiritual revelations and logical applications for church leaders to prioritize themselves holistically.
Strategies for Managing Church Resources
This class is designed to share feasible processes to put in place to assist churches to be efficient stewards of their human and capital assets.
Strategies for Optimizing Church Administrative Systems
This class is designed to share structures churches should establish to get the most out of their staff, leaders and volunteers.
Strategies for Maintaining Church Facilities
This class is designed to share procedures for excellence as it relates to the building and grounds of the church.
Strategies for Increasing the Giving in Your Church
This class is designed to share proven ideas to encourage and boost financial contributions from church parishioners.
Strategies for Engaging Today’s Teenagers
This class is designed to share routes churches can pursue to keep today’s teenagers actively involved in the life of the church.
Strategies for Creating Innovative Programs
This class is designed to share proposals and practices for establishing
nontraditional ministries and activities for your church.
Strategies for Ministering to Children Holistically
This class is designed to share vital elements needed for impacting the lives of students grades K-5th spiritually, socially and mentally.
Strategies for Improving Your Members’ Personal Finances
This class is designed to share recommendations and resources for teaching congregants how to better manage and maximize their money.
Strategies for Enhancing Worship Experiences
This class is designed to share comprehensive tips and techniques for churches to create an impactful church environment weekly for their members and guests.
Strategies for Training Members for Leadership
This class is designed to share suggested models to prepare potential leaders for effective church leadership.
Strategies for Mobilizing Volunteers for Ministry
This class is designed to share a plan of action for recruiting, retaining and rewarding church volunteers.
Strategies for Operating as a Pastor’s Spouse
This class is designed to share biblical and practical principles that can help spouses of Senior Pastors function in their role effectively.
Strategies for Developing Sermons and Bible Study Lessons
This class is designed to share an organized and methodical pathway of composing lessons for Sunday services or classroom settings.